Includes songs such as Gone Away, Suffocate, Just Got Wicked, Everyone Dies, Blame and Bleed
by Matt December 31, 2004
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video game developer located in Encino, California which is popular for its call of duty games notably call of duty 4.
LeVon="yo whatchu know bout infinity ward bluh"

Charles= "you mean those west coast niggas that made call of duty 4?...there sick as hell"

Webster="yo whatchu know bout treyarch"

LaBarack="dog dont ruin my high man..."
by disABALa June 24, 2008
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An infamous serial killer who has claimed victims in Connecticut, Southern and Northern California. Ward a former Wall Street trader and accomplished musician was known for his trademark killings that all involved power tools and Hidden Valley Ranch dressing, Ward was finally captured leaving a gentlemans club in the early morning.
"That Nicholas Ward was one hell of a sick fuck"
by Kurt Fingar August 4, 2007
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A company known to favor the XBOX Community, many believe most of the employees have secret affairs with bill gates.
Jerry: Yo man, you heard about the new DLC from Infinity Ward for COD?

Paul: Yeah, it's only for 360 though.
by JoKeR_ September 11, 2008
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school filled of rich white kids that just sit around and do nothing all day except drink and go to se-port and talk about how awesome they are. they all talk in a stupid code language and think their above everyone else.
speaker 1: Hey, do you go to ward melville
ward melville kid: yeaaah braaaah i go to the gonna go get a boone and a half and half
by whaaawhaaa June 24, 2009
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Insanely talented music man. Has the biggest heart ever and just wants to help others and share his love and talent!!! A very good man
That man is so talented!

Is he also gorgeous and insanely generous?
That's Tyler ward!
by pseudonymismnessly December 24, 2013
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The coolest guy who ever stepped foot on the campus of Burlington Township High School. Girls want him and guys want to be him. His level of coolness is simply unfathomable and is a force to be reckoned with
Girl 1: Omg…. Is that Logan ward?!?!!
Girl 2: Wow, he’s so hot in person!
Girl 3: If only he would ever speak to me…
Guy 1: You’re my idol Logan Ward, keep on keeping on
by youalreadyknowmang July 19, 2023
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