The hottest,best guitarist,coolest person in the world!!!!!!!!He's SexXy!!!!
Seb was born June 5,1981!
by katie* January 8, 2004
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1) Hot Guitarist
3) Likes Soda, not pop.
4) Good kisser
Tom Gryskiewicz likes Seb Lefebvre
by Tom December 14, 2003
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Seb! lol my fave! im a HUGE fan of simple plan!!! hes really sweet from wat the band says and stuff, he seems like it 2 cuz i got the dvd... he rox my sox! he cares bout all his fans.... he was born june 5, 1981, he lives when he's not wrkin in Montreal, Canada (i got his phone # and address!! lol look it up in canada 411 if u want it...) hes a awesum guitar player and he also duz back vocals! i gots more info but i dunno if ya wanna hear it so byez!
kelsey: Seb's so awesum! the next time i go 2 another concert im sooo ganna talk 2 him!!

Danielle: omg me 2! but i'll talk 2 pierre first!

Kelsey: i play drums now. mehe.
by *!!Kelsey!!* May 25, 2004
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The best, most fantastic person ever. i would...

Basicly an awsome person who everyone loves intensly.

Seb Forrest FTW
"I love that guy"


"Seb Forrest obviousley"

"Oh him. I would."
by Seb Forrest :L February 13, 2009
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a way of rating girls,
1. Dont even think about it (way too hot)
2. Fillet
3. Rude
4. Dad (as in 'the daddy')
5. Dont even see her (normal women)
6. Oh well, shes fucked
7. Gert (mostly for fat birds but can be used otherwise)
8. Spandoo (?)
9. May as well kill myself
Seb Scale example
Brad: 'what do you think of Barry's new misses?'
Derrick: 'Man, she was Rude!'
Brad: 'nah more of a Dad i'd say'
Jacobs: 'to be honest i didn't really see her'
Brad: 'shut up Jacobs'
by OlieOlieOlie January 25, 2008
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slang for a “posh twat” or rather someone who votes conservative (a tory)
me: hello old chum

y/n: oh you’re such a seb beadle
by hungry_mama_2k20 October 30, 2020
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