Queen Elizabeth could be characterized as sublime.
by Colby February 20, 2004
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one of my favorite bands still to this day they still have good music and poeple should bring that kind of music back to 2022
the guy writing this: "man its a shame that sublime died
some random: "ikr all the music just got bad now

the guy writing this: "yea :|"
by Master-Mine January 19, 2022
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A great band that mixed reggae, punk , and ska to make some pretty bangin music. They had some kick ass songs like "40 Oz to freedom" "smoke two joints" "Greatest hits" and "What I got". They also got together with a lot of great bands to make singles like "We're Only Gonna Die" with Bad religion and "I wanna riot" with Rancid. Unfortuantly their lead singer Bud died of a herion overdose.
by Coopdidoop February 19, 2007
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1. Tech.: The process by which a substance undergoes a phase change from solid directly to gas w/o first becoming liquid.
2. Urban: To smoke pot and then go spread subliminal messages around town. A fond pastime of The Loyal Supplanter Who is Fleet of Foot.
Hey babe, you wanna go out tonight and... Sublimate?
by LoyalSupplanter933 March 20, 2012
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a band that makes you want to stand on the deck of a boat wearing flip flops, an open floral shirt, and a ratty baseball cap. Optional accessories include a ice cold bottle of beer, an acoustic guitar slung over your shoulder, and a fishing pole.
will: lets take a ride on my father's yacht and listen to sublime!
aaron: good idea, remember the tacky clothes, beer, acoustic guitars, and fishing poles though!
by ab321mh January 7, 2008
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No, dumbasses. Sublime is to move from a solid state to a gaseous state without passing through the liquid state.
Dry ice sublimes into carbon dioxide, without ever smoking two joints.
by nut February 2, 2005
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