When the inside of the mouth has become dry and tacky. The tongue may stick to the roof of the mouth.
This condition is often brought about from taking ecstasy or amphetamines, and then not drinking enough liquids.
Usage is colloquial, from Northern England.
Ah man, has anyone got any juice, I've got bad tacky grid.
by DaStig September 12, 2006
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When you go the take a dump and forget your phone.
Fuck. I had to run to the bathroom and forgot my phone. I'm shittin' off-the-grid!
by tokerator July 29, 2015
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Another way of saying that you are in a area or community that you are not familiar with.
Dam, i gotta find an uptown train outta Brooklyn right now. Im off my grid.
by Junior43090 August 10, 2011
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A term originally used to describe somebody who hasn't been paying their taxes due to reasons like Living in a tent in the woods but has gained an ironic secondary meaning to describe rich people who haven't been paying their fair share of taxes since they are not actually living "off the grid" they are just using loopholes to get out of paying income tax.
Jeff Bezos is living straight off the grid

Trump paid $750 in taxes this year, he's been living straight off the grid
by Galacticgabe November 30, 2020
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when you guys are playing around the word grid means you guys are gonna “fight” but instead you end up fucking
bro are you tryna grid right now
by .complease August 31, 2022
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totally unplugged from social media and hanging with your peeps, completely minus the annoying media buzz
Me and my peeps are gonna just kick it tonight at my place, ya know like totes off the grid man.
by Tophen LeTrick November 25, 2013
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Successfully doing something completely different with your life, or something you control, than is expected, or otherwise contrary the status-quo.
Holy shit! This guy is taking Roy off the grid! This guy doesn't have a social security number for Roy!
by yoj!mbo July 2, 2015
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