While you are engaged in anal sex, you pull out, then she shits in your hand and you smack her ass and face, leaving a shit-covered, Picasso-like hand print on her face and ass.
Judy pissed me the fuck off, so I gave that skanky bitch a Pittsburgh Picasso!
by CrabPoon September 20, 2008
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A sexual maneuver typically containing a male and a female, or two females, depending upon which way you swing. Unfortunately this act cannot be performed by two males. One of the women, must be on her period and using a tampon.After using the tampon for several hours, the other participant removes the tampon with either their hand or teeth, and then continuously smacks the bloody, dirty, soiled tampon upon the others chest.
Jesse: Yo man, word got around that yo gurls on hur period.

Steve: Hellz yah bro. We finna do that bloody picasso.
by CAGZZZ November 28, 2009
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An adult male that has a penchant for sketching crudely drawn pictures of the male genital region. Others around this male(co-workers, wife) may believe he is immature, however he is a borderline genius. These pictures can be left anywhere for others to view. Common places are as follows:

- unattended jacket pocket
- under windshield wipers
- hidden deep in paperwork so it is found much later
- anywhere your imagination takes you
Employee 1: Any idea where this cock and balls drawing came from? It looks like a 5 year old drew it.
Employee 2: Yeah! It probably was Joe he is the office penis picasso, he is his own biggest fan!
by Suck it miller February 6, 2014
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Underwear that is too small for their owner, making them look as if they have 4 bum cheeks.
Dude, she's got some picasso pants on!
by x_Jasper February 5, 2008
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Persons who think that whatever they manage to accomplish are works of true genius because they were raised in such a overly validating, gratuitously supportive and positive environment from the time they were infants, that when they wiped their own feces on the walls they were misinformed that it was an artistic masterpiece. Such people are invariably intellectual and emotional idiots, but still manage to be the center of attention.
Tagger kid: Man, there goes Jenny-- she walks around thinking she's so great after graduating art school, but she can't draw a straight line.

Skater kid: Don't you know?-- she's a total Poopoo Picasso!
by uberellis May 6, 2016
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It is when you are super tired and your Face looks distorted and not symmetrical.
I don't fancy going out tonight i have not slept and have a Picasso Face .
by Um Jordan February 12, 2021
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