A vile, manipulative and insidious Whore of Wall Street
Hillary Rotten Clinton intentionally created an insecure server to leak confidential data
by krisspykriss February 2, 2016
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If you are unfortunate enough to hear this boring bitch give a speach then you'd understand.


BLAAA blaa BLAAA bla BLAAA blaa

BLAAAA blaa BLAAA blaa BLAAA bla
she's like a wind up toy from hell
by Dreddy August 30, 2004
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A human being who everyone finds hot, but no one will admit it. An absolute gilf.
ME - There is nothing hotter than banging someone and watching enormous layers of dust exit their uterus.
WEIRD FRIEND - "When has that every happened to you? Oh wait, must've been Hillary Rodham Clinton. What a psycho."
ME - "I call her Rod"
by i hate zalman rodkin November 15, 2018
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Cross between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mary Jane Rotten Crotch. Why? Because who knows where Bill's pecker has been.
Hillary Rotton Crotch Clinton losses in a landslide victory to the GOP.
by Osama Obama September 9, 2007
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A cunt that people vote on because they don't like Trump.
Person 1: Why do you vote on Hillary Clinton

Person 2: Because I don't like Trump
by SigneCrym July 6, 2017
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Crazy witch who loves to chew on babies. She also wants to nuke Russia because she is the devil and loves to kill innocent people. She is like modern Hitler, but instead of Jews, she hates slavs.
Heil Hillary Clinton - dumb democRAT
by debil12 May 10, 2020
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