When your boss says she is going 'to home depot' , it really means she is going to an undisclosed location unbeknownst to her employees.
by Pixardiii October 12, 2019
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A place where all dads come to meet and get supplies for fixing that darn hole in the wall.
Tom: I saw your dad yesterday
John: He hasn't been around for years, where is he?
Tom: Home Depot
John: Oh good, we need a new sink
Tom: What happened to it?
John: I took a shet in it
by That username is in use April 28, 2020
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A store that sells home improvement equipment. The biggest tool of them all. Also can be considered a person by the name of schooley....
by Hat World November 3, 2003
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Slang for the round humps located on a woman's frontal chest region. Also known as rack,hogans,knockers,twin peaks, flesh pillows, breasticles, chesticles, chi chi's, ta ta's, guns, cans, melons, big 'uns, love humps, tits, love puppies, crown pleasers, sweater kittens, tig ol' bitties, hooters, jugs
That chic has a giant milk depot.
by Paul Webb September 7, 2005
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Where all the emo kids hang out, massive sea of black. also stereo-typical amounts of eyeliner
girl 1: id go in line to get my lunch but the emo depot is in the way

girl 2: don't bother they scare me

Guy 1: who you hanging with today?

Guy 2: the emo depot man duuhhh
by Rawrb!tchrawr May 29, 2010
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Location of a large number of crack head prostitutes from the Ville'. Charles Owens will be waiting to bust yo' ass, so unless you like wearing an orange jumpsuit, stay the fuck away.
Josh got caught with a hoe on depot avenue.
by Dr. nakanutzoff September 5, 2008
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a phrase or expression commonly used by home depot employees and frequenters in reference the outrageous prices and crappy service.
e.g. 1
customer: where can i find some screws
employee: on eighth street!
customer: fuck home depot.

e.g. 2
employee: my mom died and I have appendicitis, can I have the day off.
Home Depot: No! you shall work double today maggot!!!
employee: fuck home depot!
by Dant Mooney May 27, 2005
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