One of the greatest things ever to happen in the music world. With their superb songwriting and singing skills, The Beatles left a mark in music history that will last forever.
The Beatles are awesome!!!!
by Badfinger_Boogie January 3, 2007
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A band originated in Liverpool, UK. From performing in clubs in Germany to worldwide tours and concert, The Beatles are considered to be one of the best and most influential band in rock and roll and music history.

Members: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and last but not least, Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey)
Guy#1: So what band do you listen to the most?
Guy#2: Two words: The Beatles
Guy#1: You have great taste of music, dude!
Guy#3: I never heard of their songs before
Guy#2: You have a boring life. Here's 20 bucks so you can get yourself one of their album
by Ninja T!mothy March 29, 2010
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The beatles are a very well known shitty band coming from liverpool. They are called "the most inspiring" band in the world when really they were just a jonas brother band on the 1960's. The music requires no talent at all. Even a child in the mother's womb could play it. The guitar is tuned as high as it can go and the drum kit is narrowed down to a two piece kit. The beatles should be called the most inspiring band in the world they should be called the most shittyest band in the world.
"hey joe listen to this song its so heavy. What are you talking about billy this is the beatles this sounds like little kids music.
by Mcofficernasty April 5, 2011
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A band from the 60's started by John Lennon and a couple of other British guys. They were apparently so good at making music that the entire world fucking imploded and everyone including the neighbors dog knew about these greasy dumbasses. Eventually they broke up and died. Except 2 of them didnt.
''don't worry, i was just listening to my favorite band, The Beatles.''
''harold please, this is the 25th time that you've mentioned The Beatles today, please go get help.''
by rubbersouI March 13, 2022
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The Beatles are a band with four people: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison.
The songs they wrote changed music forever! Not only did their songs change music, but everyone knows them!
Tell me, do you remember that Justin Bieber song from last summer? No? Okay.
Tell me, do you remember that one Beatles song from Abbey Road? Here Comes the Sun? Yes? Good. That was over 50 years ago.
Point made.
person 1: do you like the beatles
Person 2: yes!
by Squid_squid June 13, 2017
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The Most Revolutionary Band Ever! Started Everything. Wtihout Them There Would Be No Coldplay, Linkin Park, Pink Floyd, Foo Fighters. Yes And MUCH MORE.

Hits Are: Let It Be, Across The Univere, Hey Jude, I Want TO Hold Your Hand, Strawbery Fields Forever, Back in the USSR, Yellow Submarine, and hundreds More.

Often Being Dissed For Being Old And Pansy but Yea, If they didn't Come around All we would have is Freakin Plies or Hurricane Chris Shit EWWW.

Members: John Lennon, Paul Mccartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr.
Idiot: Yea i Like T-Pain he is the Shit

Cool Person: Fuck You, If T-Pain Was around in The Beatles time, T-Pains Songs Would Be Low-Low-Low-Low-Low-Low-Low-Low On the charts
by SC RECORDS March 25, 2008
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One of the best bands in history. The Beatles went through every phase possible for a rock band to go through and have become the quintessential rock band. The started out by creating some very popular music that made them the most popular band in the world. Then, once they had obtained popularity, the Beatles started to experiment in folk music around the mid 1960s. They started to get into drugs that generated the psychadelic sound they had in the years 1965-1967. They then started to get off drugs, but still retained the experimentation that they had during the drugs era. They final two years that the Beatles together was filled with feuding between the band members. They ended up generating 11 albums worth of material and compiling more no 1 singles then any band ever. Every album they created is considered a classic in its own right, and they have become the highest selling recorded musical group in history. Many bands that came after the Beatles cite them as a major influence, such as Led Zeppelin, Elton John, the Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and many more.
Paul McCartney on Beatles Music: "We always tried to make the music of The Beatles bigger, faster, longer, and better."
by gray man January 3, 2010
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