A school that is getting more and more ass and has definitely fucked up, but has a few people that keep it alive and know how to party . used to be lots of hot girls, now there are not as many but still some
Brad: bruh Spain Park high school this school sucks ass
Chuck: ik bruh, can’t wait to get the hell out of Spain park
by crawforg December 9, 2019
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a sexual act in witch a female preforms a hand job while using the males own poop as lubricant.
yo me and maria are going on a tug boat to Spain tomorrow!
by guy oriely January 31, 2011
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A beautiful high school located in Birmingham Alabama. In 2015 this school was known to beat Hoover high at there stadium first time in forever, in football. A safe school with kind staff and teachers. This is the ultimate school, full of school spirit and academic excellence!
by Bella01 November 11, 2015
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Engaging in man on man sexual encounters during your first stint in the slammer.
Phil met Hector and went Backpacking thru Spain with him while he was locked up in Rikers.
by Sactowns Finest December 4, 2020
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Santi Dmech niga
“Hey did you see that Spain Nonce Cocaine Head?!”
“Yea that’s just a Santi Dmech niga.”
by gaveen123 May 3, 2023
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