Derogatory term used about the Tenctonese Newcomers whose slave ship landed in the Mojave desert on October 19th, 1988.
It carries the same strong negative charge as calling an African-American the N word.
You slag motherfucker, I'll wipe those spots right off your ugly head!
by George Francisco November 20, 2005
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A slag is a type of slug.
A slag can also be a person who is a complete asshole, an annoying dim-wit or a sleezy woman.
1: hey did you talk to Bill?
2: yes , he's such a fucking slag.
by Rasta-Clat November 15, 2004
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Some Lovely Amazing Girl

A new positive turn on slag, when called this, just smile and remind yourself of the true definition of this word
Jess:sorry, im a bit of a trend setter you see

Isaac:oh so you're where the word slag came from

Jess: yeah, Some Lovely Amazing Girl
by Lambbbbbbbbb August 21, 2010
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A commonly used word by keyboard warriors with limited vocabulary and insults in their inventory, more often used when they are being shown up or are losing an argument.
Regular use is usually related to low IQ levels
H: if you don t like me then go away
J: yeah whatever you little slag... slag... SLAG!!!
H: is that all you can say? Get a life
by MissDJ2018 July 16, 2018
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Alternative name for marijuana, used by the Krinks.
Yo, you got any slag?

Yeah man, let's go smoke it at the park.
by Flanny2701 June 15, 2019
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JEN YOU slag!! Sleeping with that asswipe behind my back!! I hope you get pregnant and die in childbirth!!
by chavhater August 30, 2005
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