A Ry Poy Nat Shan is a type of person (also known as 'Ry Poy' for short) a Ry Poy is often found riding a bike around in Auckland, New Zealand at night time, doing a wave dance on his bike, rubbing his behleh while crossing a road at 3am, or alternatively calling out to the More-Beef birds or the Possum-Rodents. He sneezes savagely and should not be approached. Things beginning with the letter P are of interest to a Ry Poy Nat Shan, things such as Pirates, Pies, Puzzles, Photography, Primo, Panties, Pals, Poosies, Parrot-birds and with an exception to a few other words such as Squidgedoo, E Pon Mon Cho (not to be confused with a Poncho) and Minibus Dowlahs.
"I've gotta go now, I'm going for a bike with Ry Poy Nat Shan"

"We wanna go straight! But the bus lane only goes right! But we wanna go straight? The bus lane only goes right!" said Ry Poy Nat Shan as he discussed the situation with E Pon Mon Cho
by Eponmoncho April 11, 2009
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A remarkably good looking, intelligent, and desirable duo hailing from Western Pennsylvania. The two share a biting wit and undeniably good taste. They are better than most other people, but are friendly and sociable with those not as blessed, nonetheless. This duo comes as a package deal and are rarely seen apart, though, on such rare occasions, if engaged in conversation they will undoubtedly only converse about the other.
Dude, did you see Crazy J and Shan the Man today? They're so fucking rad.
by ylyayp4eva August 14, 2008
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A random kid who like virtual girls(eg.colette)
Qian Shan Hong,who ur favourite brawler."
"Colette obviously i want to f*** her"
by lol ur trash nub March 2, 2022
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a handsome young boy which will always be by you no matter wht. Loves you for who u are and always takes care of you. Gets mad when you dont take care of yourselfs and loves to be in charge
i love a ro shan
by sghri April 24, 2020
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To use copy pasted information from internet in chats to win arguments
John was shanning in the whatsapp group to show off
by Psylentkid January 23, 2023
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Shan Nings are generally weird people. Sometimes very high, sometimes very depressed, but mostly just random. They aren't nice but aren't bad either. They can moderate an argument but start one too. Shan Nings are very rare, appreciate a shan ning :)
Random Person: "Hey, why're you high all the time then suddenly depressed? Pms?"
Shan Ning: "Nah, it's just because im Shan ning"
by random person no. 240 June 26, 2020
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A nobody in society
Jerry Shan doesnt even exist to me
I dont even know him
I dont know Jerry Shan
by poepoeoe May 25, 2022
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