To be verbally raped or beaten, hurting others feelings and/or crushing spirits
Lefko: "Your retarded"
B-Wass: "Your mom got retarded when she choked on my fat nuts and got brain damage"
Gimbel: "Salted!!!"
by Sunny Sunnyton October 14, 2007
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1. That which causes, or is often blamed for, an individual to act unnecessarily and innapropriately bitter, sad, irritable, or angry, especially in a situation where all other involved parties can remain calm and nonchalant. Derived from the presence of salt in tears, and the high salt content in brain fluids during episodes of high irritation.

2. A statement or action of shameless over-retaliation.

2. The condition of being salty.

3. That which makes things salty.

4. An exclamation used in response to a blatant presence of salt or act of salt.

5. The perfect thing to say to someone to embarrass them after you've pissed them off by being a dick and/or pussy.
Derek is no fun to joke around with, because he has too much salt in his system.

I was giving Derek shit about throwing like a girl, and he punched me in the stomach. But I couldn't even respond to his salt because I was too busy laughing at his girly-ass punch.

"Yo Derek, I had sex with your mom!"
"I'm going to fucking kill you."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa...SALT!"
by ARHS November 25, 2005
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A user on Gaia Online known for his amazing personality and charm. A comedic guy who gets along with pretty much anybody. To find him, check the Avatar Talk subforum. He is the boyfriend of Pepper and the best friend of Oregano.
"Salt stopped by and amazed me with his awesomeness."
by Labtech X March 15, 2005
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Meaning they are wrong after being sure they are correct. It is another way to say burn

Variations:Feeling saly, Wipe that salt off your shoulder
Tristian-"I know i got an A on the test"
*Handed a D*
by Tori V. December 20, 2007
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Jounier-highish word for insult, or diss
kid one: Stupid muthafuckin fag!
kid two: damn boy, you just got salted! Brush it off!
by K.T. December 14, 2004
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1. one who is feeling a great amount of anger.
2. one who is feeling a great amount of anger, that others may deem hilarious.
1. I am getting so salted right now, at this loud mouth.
2. Dude don't talk about his sister that way, you are gonna make him straight salted.
by Rhal426 May 24, 2009
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When a male ejaculates on someone.
Yo, I totally ended up salting them hoes last night.
by squidman47 October 14, 2011
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