A Pedaling Prick is an insult aimed at cyclists. The word "Pedaling' comes from the fact that they have to 'Pedal' in order for the bicycle to move.
Trevor: You think you own the road don't ya, ya pedaling pricks! Stupid outfits and arcane technology don't make you better than me. This country was built by and for the motor car. Go to France with your bicycles!
by IKnowTheLingo July 27, 2023
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When a subject, usually a sufferer of G.A.S., spends their free time watching any number of Youtube music channels for all the gear demos and reviews they can't get their hands on. Will often be seen browsing Reverb or Ebay for deep deals to soothe their needs.
Dude, why did you buy a Metalzone?
Well, it was just too good a deal and you never know when you might need one
Quit lying. Its all that Pedal Porn. I saw you on Ola's channel checking it out. Plus I found the Phaser you were watching Andy from Reverb try out.
Okay, I like pedals but its not like I'm an addict
by Bass Man Space Man March 27, 2020
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item of clothing some people call long shorts but they are pedal pushers
Maddy wore pedal pushers to school
by little'un May 14, 2010
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Powder pedal is when you have consumed a decent amount of cocaine, and cant help but put the pedal to the medal when driving.
I just blasted 3 rails and now Im doing 110 on the highway... I cant help myself! I have a severe case of powder pedal!
by Sircokesalot October 12, 2010
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When you put your mouth to someone's butthole, step on their foot causing them to fart, and then inhaling the gas.
She was a freak man! She let me gas pedal her.
by wetzpretz December 2, 2013
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When you take a shit in a bag and then you smack someone across the face with it.
by Regansmash1976 January 20, 2010
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