fed that attempted to go after Al Capone's bootlegging gig in an attempt to bring him down when no one else dared to

Now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild west
A state that's untouchable like Eliot Ness
(Dr dre from "California Love"-Tupac)
by sage303 February 5, 2006
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a word created by p.diddy himself. it is an epidemic running ramped in our communities; the word means envy, hate, and deceit.
"do you have a lil bit of bitchass-ness in you cause i seen the way u handled that with your girl"

by anonymous chick May 21, 2008
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when one eats a food item, usually a hamburger, they found in a garbage can, or similar trash collector; inspired by Earthbound, a game published by Nintendo
Dude, I saw this hobo pull a ness today! The burger was all rotten and damp.
by Andrew Gaspar August 8, 2008
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Being or thinking oneself is hott.
"You're just jealous of my hott-ness!"
by MS. HOTT-NESS January 3, 2008
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Some being to extreme for there own virginity. Usually going too far and not caring about what the other person says
Hey dude my v-ness is the bomb. But it is the form of my pride for being a virgin
by Ronny Kim January 21, 2011
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The popular huge loch located in scotland, with memorable sites still standing, such as uruquart castle, believed to be the home to scotland's beloved nessie, the world famous Loch Ness Monster.
"I loved that trip to loch ness, but i wish i saw nessie!"
by Jason August 21, 2003
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