A word descirbing the appearance of a woman's worn out, tired ass vagina.
Damn, that bitch had a fuckin' catcher's mitt! Yeah, she was nasty, but fuck it, ya know?
by Justin May 5, 2004
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A businessman that should know that many of the job losses in 2009 have been announced when Bush was in power and therefore unemployment dropped under President Obama contrary to the constant spin by the GOP who are desperate in the final days, because Romney's campaign is going southwards since the "binders for womens gaffe" in the second debate and his disastrous performance on the third debate which was even worst than Obama's first debate. His poor performance during Hurricane Sandy, comments made by an Indiana GOP Senate Candidate about pregnancy and other nonsense from other GOP celebrities such as Rudy Guiliani won't help
Mitt Romney flip-flops daily on all issues
by Cre47 November 3, 2012
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Carny slang for a fortune teller's booth. "Mitt" refers to palm reading.
"Are you sure you want to have your palm read at that mitt camp"
by PearlieGirl March 15, 2016
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When you ejaculate on 47% of your lovers face.
I got so horny watching the presidential election, I just had to give Brenda 'The Mitt Romney.'

I wanted to seem like a compassionate guy, so I only gave Brenda 'The Mitt Romney'.

My wife told me I was lazy today, so I gave her 'The Mitt Romney'. I was happy to oblige.
by RoyCoup November 13, 2012
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When someone uses extreme force and overreach beyond their scope for self-interest.
by Volksgeist July 31, 2018
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1. (Noun.) A highly offensive term for an idiot who can't decide which side he's on, and who thinks the windows on planes should open.

2. (Noun.) To take an enormous crap in a place other than a toilet.
1. "You're such a Mitt Romney."
2. "I think Mitt Romney just took a Mitt Romney during that debate."
by 742It'sHenry742742742742742742 October 27, 2012
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