Marjorie Greene Leftist and other terms like Red-brown alliance, secret right winger, etc are generally smears used by Liberals/Centrists to describe Leftists who criticize the Democratic party and other people in power. These Leftists have come to the realization that both the Republicans and Democrats are bought by the same donors and therefore supporting "progressives" in the Democratic party is pointless since all of these individuals end up becoming part of the corrupt system. Since their focus is primarily on the wolves in sheep's clothing (Democrats) and not the wolves (Republicans), many assume they are some sort of Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Tulsi Gabbard lovers when in fact they are simply criticizing the people they once supported. Unfortunately, many people aren't able to view things without partisan glasses and so they label these Leftists as these terms to try to discredit them and make them look like some crazy right-wing conspiracy loons.
Leftist: I'm no fan of Tucker Carlson but he's the only person in mainstream news media that brought on Christian Smalls to talk about his success in unionizing Amazon. While I disagree with Tucker most of the time, he actually tells the truth and does the right thing on occasion and that's more than any other News host does right now.

Liberal/Centrist: Tucker only brought him on to try to further push his racist white supremacist agenda, he doesn't give 2 shits about Christian Smalls or his movement. You cheering him on is just normalizing Racism and propping up Fox News and all their Agendas. Christian should have never gone on Foxs News, I don't care what his purpose was, he's just white washing and ultimately propping up Tucker Carlson and his views. You guys are all just Marjorie Greene Leftists, bunch of secret right wingers that are part of Red-brown alliance.
by Dark_Shadow April 28, 2022
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Term used by vilan capitalists to describe facts being generated by a more sophisticated person. These facts are hard truths, ways to live by, NOT alternative facts or fake news. While leftist propaganda may be propaganda, it is in fact the truth about the correct way of living.
This is often used by those who are too dumb to see the truth in front of them: that we should put our means together to achieve the impossible!
Person 1: Oh man, I need to pay my university fees, but i’m broke.

Person 2: You should have tried to get scholarships and loans.

Person 1: The percentage of students that are drowning in loans until old age and can’t provide for themselves all because the capitalist society did them wrong is too high. The government should pay for studies for everyone. That way, everyone has an equal chance at getting a good job, and universities are not based on money, they are based on hard working high school students that get good grades and demonstrate more than honourable achievement.

Person 2: That’s all just leftist propaganda! Me and daddy’s credit card will pay for uni for me so that I need not suffer like those who work harder but have less money.
by Patate324 April 3, 2018
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- elected politicians that have LEFT their post and are hiding out across the border instead of representing people in their own state
HE: Have you seen anything of your state representative?

SHE: No, but I heard he is one of the LEFTist Aliens hold up in another state

HE: Did you say "left us.." - what about our collective rights?

SHE: Exactly..!
by op_position February 23, 2011
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A Leftist who believes in the stuff of the Right Wing side
Person 1: "Jennifer told me that she loves the LGBTQ community but also wants them to burn in hell and loves Donald Trump"

Person 2: "Perhaps she is now a Red Pilled Leftist."
by bruh 90000 January 3, 2022
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A self-identified "leftist" who's conspiratorial, reactionary, a fan of Tucker Carlson, a proponent of a red-brown alliance, and an avid watcher of The Jimmy Dore Show. Marjorie Greene leftists also supported Tulsi Gabbard in the 2020 Democratic Party primaries.
These Marjorie Greene leftists hate AOC more than Tucker Carlson.
by SyntheticLeftist April 21, 2021
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A self-identified "leftist" who's a divisive fauxgressive, who pretends to be a supporter of Bernie Sanders only to sheepdog for the Democratic Party's corporate candidate after Sanders quits the race.
Mike Figueredo is a Hillary Clinton Leftist.
by Anti-Hindu Defamation May 8, 2021
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A Marjorie Greene Leftist (MGL) is a right-winger that poses as a leftist to tear down the leftist movement from within. They have the intellect of Marjorie Taylor Greene, and are just as conspiratorial and irrational. (Almost always associated with the Jimmy Dore/Niko House Clique.)
A Marjorie Greene Leftist (MGL) keeps responding to me tweets with anti-vax links and called me a big pharma shill.
by SyntheticLeftist May 8, 2021
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