National Kameron Day is a day to celebrate and cherish Kameron.
Dude, today is National Kameron Day! Aren't you happy, Kameron? It's a whole day that isn't your birthday that we get to celebrate!
by Naylz05 June 10, 2023
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"Hey you know what day is it today?"
"No, what is it?"
"It's National Kameron Day! Show everyone your favorite Kameron!"
by MrManTheDude February 16, 2023
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Hitting a vape like it is a mod and burning it every time.
God damnit you pulled a Kameron again, now I have to buy a new pod.

Fuck bro, did you pull a Kameron? This tastes burnt as shit.
by g@mertag October 8, 2020
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trick ass bitch pedophile that I hope chokes on a big black giant juicy skateboard
me: *gets groped by kameron*
summer: ooooooo kameron should die
by mmmmmmnomnomnomi April 8, 2022
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She is the best person you could ask for she treats everyone kindly and she deserves the world she also the sexiest person alive so like you should ask her out before she’s gone forever
by Thebestpersonhere7363 November 25, 2021
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