Kendall Nicole Jenner is an American model, socialite, and media personality. She is the daughter of Kris Jenner and Caitlyn Jenner, and rose to fame in the reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Jenner began modelling at the age of 14.
Kendall Jenner is an icon!
by bruisedangel November 22, 2021
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The only sister who isn’t plastic yet...
She is nothing compared to BTS tho! That’s on pyramid.
Someone: Kendall Jenner is so pretty XD
Me: wait till she becomes plastic

Someone: her photo shoot is amazing

Me: Eh, I’ve seen better, have you seen BTS’s photo shoots
by 🍒~Choi Min Chim~🍒 January 19, 2021
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1) The curious process of historical revision whereby a former Olympian can reveal, retroactively, that s/he spent forty years severely questioning his/her own sexual identity, while all the time taking great pains not to allow said sexually ambiguous thoughts to pass into the media.

2) A bipedal hominid who is in no sense of the word a mensch, who has not made a career of M-T-F but still hasn't the guts to cut off his wang and have it splayed open into a plastic pussy; a publicity-grubbing status-seeker and sexual hypocrite.

3) the result of a sex-change operation not to be confused with normal, healthy transsexuals, who has been so corrupted by Hollywood value that s/he thinks that Americans will swallow 40 years of bullcrap just for a photo cover spread and charm offensive.
"Oh, God, there she is again. All OVER the media."

"I wonder if the cereal company will give me back what I paid for my Wheaties box back when she was still a he?"

"It's a very de-Jenner-ate situation."
by al-in-chgo June 6, 2015
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You take a shot glass or glass cup and suck really hard and when you let go your lips will be gigantic (Usually resulting in bruises and swelling, you are practically ruining your lips)
I did the Kylie Jenner challenge, and now my lips are huge!
by Sksoodkroellw April 21, 2015
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A challenge where a person puts a shot glass or any small container over their lips them sucks out all the air. They usually wait a 15-30seconds. The suction bruises and swells up their lips so they are big like the famous Kylie Jenner's. This challenge DOES damage your lips and the results have a 30% chance of becoming permanate.
by juleyonce May 9, 2015
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Part of the Kardasian clan- is a 21 year old billionaire that has cunts that want to be her all over the internet. Her father Kaitlyn Jenner once know as Bruce Jenner , she is mother to Stormi Webster and runs a multi-million company Kylie Cosmetics. She has had a abundance or surgerys- which you can tell by looking at all the photos of her when she was younger. She is Kind and Caring and gives No Fucks. She can sometimes be a Spoiled White Kid but she is richer then litterally most of everyone. She Cakes on her makeup and always looks Fine asf.
“Woah you lookin like Kylie Jenner”
“How the fuck did you get all that money?”
by dumbfvck October 15, 2018
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