A person that has a YouTube channel,acts autistic,and says its every day bro every 5 minutes
by DildoCondom September 18, 2017
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A fucking retard that doesn't give a shit about anyone but the money and fucks Erika Costell for followers and Jake Paul sucks monkey dick also he sucks Logan Pauls dick
What the fuck, Is that Fucking Jake Paul monkeys, go rape him in the ass!
by Wait, the fuck? September 26, 2017
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I fucking hate Jake Paul
You should totes look up the Disney Channel Jake Paul meme
by _golden.whale_ October 26, 2017
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A cancerous YouTuber who takes people's life for granted for money purposes only. He abuses people, sexual assaults them, and is racist.
Team10: Roses are red team 10 is shitty I have no brain England is my city.
Jake Paul: I made up the name team 10 cause that is the amount of money I take from your earnings
by Bromieomie December 10, 2017
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“Hey man do u have jake paul?”


Jake Paul, cancer, DU
by 69luke December 1, 2018
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