An adjective used to define empty space.
This room is nigger wallet.
by prid95 February 9, 2009
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When an advert (online or offline) or a general public marketing stunt involves a rather attractive and bewitching female to stimulate either:

a) enough interest that you will click the advert (online) or visit their site (offline).


b) interest in buying their product(s).

Sometimes the link between the attractive woman and the actual product can be ridiculously tenuous.
"Those Facebook ads with that cute chick on are total wallet bait. The service itself sucks!"

"Dude convention girls are such wallet bait, I spent 20 minutes chatting to 'Jenny', I don't even *like* cars."
by Matthew1471 April 10, 2009
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Wallet Whore (noun/adjective)

A woman that cruises the scene looking for a male companion to seduce in order to gain control of his wallet/all of his finances.
"My father's wife Kim is such a wallet whore."
by Beaver1212 May 11, 2010
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when the outline of a condom can be seen on the outside of your wallet
Dude! I can totally see that wallet crater. Can you hook me up?
by Phun E duder October 23, 2009
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"Chocolate wallet" is a colloquial term for the asshole. An ideal place to keep contraband and/or hidden treasure.

Eg. "Dude, where are we gonna hide this blow?" "Give it here, I'll put it in my chocolate wallet."
"Dude, where are we gonna hide this blow?" "Give it here, I'll put it in my chocolate wallet."
by YesYesYesYesNo December 4, 2014
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A wallet used specifically for paying prostitutes.
"Dude, I gotta get my pussy wallet tonight, since we're going to the brothel."
"Dammit, I forgot my pussy wallet. Gotta go get it before my wife finds it."
by Fantastic Female March 9, 2015
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A person who, knowing that there friend/ significant other will insist on paying, reaches for their wallet as if to pay. But in reality, they're broke as hell.
I just saw Jim wallet tease Sam. What a douche bag.
by eagles63ol January 30, 2011
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