Invented by a Hitler looking fuck to punish students until now it's the scum of earth and why that is because first of all. You already spend 7 hours learning shit that you couldn't care less about. Now I'm not saying school is pointless. School is almost entirely a good thing. The only problem about homework is that has no benefits for anyone once so ever it's just a complete waste of time to fuck up your grade. And also the teachers don't have a good point of explaining it, some can't explain it at all. and one more thing I don't know why homework hasn't been banned yet.
Homework-The most bullshit waste of time in human history
by Fuckhomework January 12, 2020
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Originally used as a punishment, now given out quite commonly what we call teachers. Better known as FUCKING CUNTS or WHORES.
teacher: "Okay, so you guys need to do page 1-5000 by tomorrow and also a 69 page essay due in a second."
by toop0g4u May 8, 2022
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Homework is a terrible thing teachers give students to test our memory. Homework also means taking time away from spending with friends and family. Or Homework for lazy people means more stuff to do at home when they could be out on instagram posting a selfie
I have so much homework
by im weird 80 March 11, 2014
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by Smileyhacker619 December 25, 2016
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Some shit that your teachers give to you to make it seem like they are good at their job.
Person 1: where were you last night?
Person 2: helping my teacher keep his/her job by doing my homework
by Leonardo :3 April 20, 2019
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Homework is a waste of time, it's just revision for shit you already know, don't care about, or will be completely irrelevant later in life. Homework is a stupid way for schools to keep controlling our lives outside of school.

Homework is piled upon students at alarming rates and stops them from enjoying their free time socializing and enjoying their short, miserable, life.

The average American high-school student spends seven hours a week on homework. The average for students across all developed countries is about five hours

Symptoms of 'Homework' consist of...
Tiredness, annoyance, irritability, stress, crying, emotional breakdowns and death.
dude, I just got more homework, it's the 7th time with homework on the same topic...


*crying* (that's the sentence, crying.)
by IHateSkittlesNZDOGS October 21, 2018
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1. The shit that teachers give u
2. a legal way of torture

3. The stuff that makes you want to kill yourself because it is time consuming
The reason why people have AIDs is because of homework
by DumbAssYoutube June 30, 2019
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