It means i fill a tennis ball tube with cigarette butts and dirty pennies i find on the sidewalk and then i put my peepee in it
I was really hobosexual last saturday after the school dance.
by Hobo Mania September 6, 2011
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Someone who is a very bad sex partner. Sucking, and not in a good way.
Man: Your honor, I want a divorce, my wife is a hobosexual.

Judge: What are you talking about?

Man: She's a bum lay.
by OldJester December 21, 2008
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Pronunciation: \ˈhō-(ˌ)bō-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\

Function: adjective

1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward those who have no home or permanent place of residence

2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse with those who have no home or permanent place of residence

Did you hear the news about Britney Spears? She's given up on successful men and is now a hobosexual.
by Scottsdale81 January 20, 2009
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A gay dude with a cold.
"Yeah, it's true. I'm -achoo- a hobosexual."
by Lenses December 9, 2007
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A man or woman who possesses such loose standards that he or she will take even the dirtiest, most parasite-ridden fleabag home for the night.
"Did you see who Wendy picked up off the dance floor? I wouldn't even touch that with fireplace tongs."
"Are you kidding? He's exactly her type. She's a complete hobosexual."
by H.P.Liferaft October 1, 2006
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one who consummates the natural attraction all humans feel toward the homeless.
Can you believe those hobosexuals who volunteer down at the soup kitchen? They trade extra scoops of food for sexual favors.

Charlie brought that hobo who holds the door open at Popeye's to his sister's wedding. He's such a hobosexual.
by Doctor Exotik August 7, 2011
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some one who thinks hobo's are sexy
girl 1: "omg look at that sexy hobo over there!"

girl 2:"your such a hobosexual"
by Cathy Bell October 19, 2009
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