When you come home so drunk, you shit in the sink and don't remember. It's always a surprise the next morning!
Fuck! I left myself an American greeting!
by T E H March 28, 2008
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A greeting that people have started using to be honest with each other because when people say for example " Hi,how are you?". They don't want to know how you really are and couldn't care less and most of them are busy thinking about themselves and there's and are looking to make themselves another almighty dollar.
Hi,there how are you.
Fuck you.
And that is an example of a fuck you greeting.
by The Fury 13 September 24, 2010
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while you are looking for greeting cards & you have the urge to fart, shart, or poop your pants.
Allison's greeting card flatulence caused her to ditch Papyrus for the can because she sharted herself.
by enuss April 12, 2008
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Insert your fist into your sexual partner's rectum.
Person being fucked "hey- will you obama greet me?"
Person fucking "sure!" ... bloooop (sound)
by sramrider January 2, 2011
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A playful alternative to shaking hands, this hearty/jovial "hello" gesture entails grabbing yer friend's toes in each hand and yanking his feet back and forth like transmission-levers.
I love giving gear-shift greetings to pretty girls whom I meet; not only does it elicit delighted/amused giggle-fits outta dem, but it also usually makes dem comfy wif having me handle their cute tootsies, and so they generally are then okay wif letting me give dem foot-rubz. as well.
by QuacksO March 27, 2019
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To process in batch the sending of multiple birthday wishes to one's external friends on facebook.
Ah, look: I have EIGHT friends with birthdays today...
Hmm, looks like its time for a bit of birthday greeting batch processing...
*Copies and pastes the same text: "Happy Birthday have a great day! :)" into every 'say happy birthday' box*
by Captain Capable August 15, 2012
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an extra sum of money paid to a competent person who has been lured away from his/her organization into one's organization. Such an amount is paid initially, for instance at the time of signing a contract and is over and above the regular remuneration package.
We were able to woo the CEO of our rival company into our company by offering him a handsome golden greeting.
by uttam maharjan October 3, 2010
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