A weirdo that no one actually likes once you get to know him. He seems sweet but don't let that fool you. He's pretty weird and doesn't do much. ( Referenced from NBC's "Parks and Recreation")
Ugh. Stop being such a Jerry Garry Barry Larry.
by I C E D Tea January 9, 2019
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A crappy survival game that became infamous for the developers using the Streisand effect silence TotalBiscuit's negative review on YouTube. His response video delivered more criticism to the developers. The developers also got accused of astroturfing the game's score on Metacritic.
Dude, don't review Day One: Garry's Incident because you could get Streisanded by the developers.
by The Real Driller August 31, 2020
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A common phrase used in country victoria that refers to one getting fucking loose with their mates. Best used in past tense to truly describe a large and eventfull night out.
"Hey Morrey, what did you get up to on the weekend?
"Eddie! I was smokin cones & drinkin piss with garry lyon all weekend, was bloody elite"
by doolanator7 March 23, 2020
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We should celebrate this day every 23rd November this is because you can do what ever you want on this day such as skip school and stay up late
Today is gArRy NeD day I don’t have to go to school today
by Ami and Amelie your welcome x November 23, 2020
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ayo that fucker looks out for his bros i bet his name is garry cannon
by gl6be September 18, 2021
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1. When you tell your friends you like someone, but later deny that you ever did so.
by Braydo July 10, 2017
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