Something we all like to spend and some like to save.
Person 1: hey do you have any money?

Person 2: nope I spent it all

Person 1: What about you?

Person 3: yes I do but im saving it!
by daileyd22 July 22, 2011
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A possession that is directly proportional to the amount of problems one has
Guy- "Damn Steve, you got a lot of money!"
Steve- "Yeah, well, I also have a lot of problems. Thanks for bringing it up."
by Benjabibble January 7, 2009
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The only thing you cannot buy.
- I thought you couldn't buy love?
- Yes you can, I love money.
by zacon November 29, 2003
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The thing we wish we all had
Tom: I wish I had money
Sally: yeah bih you ain’t gettin none
by Thiccer than oatmeal April 1, 2018
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The shit you buy your crack with.
My crack dealer makes more money than a two-bit whore.
by BigJake93 January 30, 2017
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