Chord -- Name. Pronounced cord.

Chord is a quiet introverted type of guy. He can be harsh on himself because he can't see what a wonderful handsome person he actually is. Once you get to know him he shows how sweet, kind and caring he is to the ones he loves. The kind of guy who can be sassy and sarcastic but you love him for it. Chord will always put your needs before his own, he's always down to help you with anything. He loves with all of his heart and soul. He'll listen to you night or day, whenever you need him. You need to gain his trust before he feels comfortable enough to share his own feelings with you though, as Chord isn't one for "dumping" his feelings on other people.
J: You really love, Chord, huh?
L: Yeah, I really do.
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Tipically a word you say when you hear someone playing jazz music.
It is a meme which is spreading throughout the internet originated by a video on youtube named "Due Accordi" (Two Chords in english)
*Jazz music playing*
Me: "oh, two chords"
by Dan Sparkle April 26, 2018
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Norwegians fiords Chords
That saxophone player really knows his Norwegians chords
A common expression among jazz improvisers, popularised by jazz saxophonist Ronnie Scott.
by Bugsy August 24, 2017
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The lovely, lilting, melodic sound when you split your pants on stage because of the most gigantic fart.
Bob had quote the musical bent... whenever he got on stage he played the rip chord as the ending for every song.
by You rReal Name February 12, 2021
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Baginal Chords are a mix between a bussy and a vagina and they are like intestines.
My Baginal Chords hurt
by rickyberwicksdick November 18, 2020
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