A real douchebag of a postal carrier, typically a cca or ptf, but not limited to full-time regular, who management continues to put up with. Continuously causes issue including call offs, and other disciplinary actions, yet continue to go unpunished.
Did you hear that super carrier Williams called off again?
by Unknownpostman October 6, 2021
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The most popular "character" on Board 8. Hated by CJAYC.
Mass Carriers were on more than 90% of nomination forms but was not included because CJayC felt it wasn't a character.
by SuperLuigiBros December 30, 2005
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Originally a popular n00b strategy used in the popular videogame StarCaft. Involves building massive amounts of the most powerful units (a Carrier), then rushing at the opponent suicidally.

Now used to describe any n00b tactics, or when someone completes a task by swarming the enemy. See zerg.
1337 haxor: I'm winning, n00b. What now?

n00b: Uh... erm... CARRIER RUSH!

1337 haxor: Oh noes! I've been pwned by a fucking n00b! ;-;
by Meep-Man April 28, 2004
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When a single person on a team within an online game such as Counter-Strike: Source is of a much higher skill than the rest of the team, meaning he/she has a much higher score. To carry the team to victory is when the team wins because of the carrier bag.
Player 1: Yo dude how's this crap team winning?
Player 2: It's probably because thye have that carrier bag!
Player 1, 2, 3, 4 +5: Grrr!!
by H.Castle August 4, 2007
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Originated from the game Gears of War for the Xbox 360. In Gears of War multiplayer, you receive several scores after a round. Kills, downs, revives, and total score. When one has a 0 in all categories, he is called a "Donut Carrier" because the 0's look like donuts.

Santaslick2: Dood fu LA, i have same score as you and i have less points

Halplander: ffffff i have 0 kills.

LALeGeNdArY: lol u r designated donut carrier.
by Santaslick2 May 31, 2007
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A ginger carrier, or a half ginger, is a person who has only one copy of the MC1R ginger gene, while full gingers have both copies of the gene.

That person usually doesn't have red hair, but has freckles.
GINGER: You're an idiot!
CARRIER: What do you mean? I'm a ginger carrier, and I think you have a soul.
GINGER: Aw, thanks!
by nopeimnot May 7, 2016
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(v) to violently shove a dead pigeon into the mouth of an unsuspecting partner during sexual intercourse, usually performed upon reaching climax.
Your right, Dave. Doggy Style is great. But I personally prefer to carrier pigeon the ladies.
by Sir Slevant April 1, 2008
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