When you really need to go to the bathroom but cant as ur in the middle of a game or activity and you cant go.
"I have a cargo plane cover me please" or " I have a cargo plane I need to go after this"
by xxwinzzxx February 4, 2016
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When two men dock together straddling a toilet seat and proceed to take a poo.
Have you seen George and fergus? Yeh they are cargo shipping in the upstairs bathroom
by Ronaldharris October 24, 2020
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I got them (cahones)!
Don’t be afraid for me, because “yo los cargo”…
~my Nano on his deathbed.
by QueeenGeee June 26, 2023
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When one culture believes the “cargo” (technology) of a technologically superior culture was stolen and was intended for them instead.
The CCP commonly tells its populace that the west stole its technology, and said technology was rightly and divinely intended for the Chinese people. This makes the CCP a cargo cult.
by Monkey Putin November 7, 2023
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A task that was taken on and solved out of a desire to take initiative at work. This is a reference to an episode of The Orville in which Captain Ed Mercer asks Bortus what he has been working on, and Bortus replies that there is an alligator in the cargo bay, but he has crushed it with a chair.
Did I fix the SQL injection vulnerability? Of course, it's an alligator in the cargo bay!
by ekolis January 30, 2020
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Cargo Cum is when you break into a girls house and cum in all of her cargo pants.
you: Yo jeff i pulled a “Cargo Cum” on jenna

jeff: What the actual fuck
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when you go on a massive bender it is also known as being on the cargo train. A group of people are riding the cargo train when they are together for a period of time consisting purely of getting f*cked up.
“Want to go to the cinema on Saturday?” “Nah I can’t, I’ll still be on the cargo train.”
by gollum123 May 8, 2018
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