To borrow something and never return it, intentionally or otherwise. Different from stealing in that the item will (initially, at least) have been given freely.
Yeah, I used to have that DVD, but someone boranged it.
by Trilby November 14, 2006
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the only word in the english language that rhymes with orange.

1. an expression of greatness
2. can be used to show disappointment or anger.
3. often used as an insult.
4. also used as a compliment.
1. wow, thats so borange!

2. 1st person: man, i hate science!
2nd person: yeah, i know what you mean, it's so borange!

3. shut up you stupid borange!

4. 1st person: hey, you like my new top?
2nd person: yeah! it's so borange!!
1st person: aww, thanks!
2nd person: you look well borange in it!
by Emily January 15, 2004
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That produce is thouroughly borange.
by Light Joker October 29, 2005
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the only word on the planet that rhymes with orange. Perfect to use in one of those rhyming challenge games
"A word that rhymes with orange?"
"Borange! Shame I got you on that one!"
by Beige July 19, 2005
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1 The ancient history of the word borange is quite a tale. first used by the vikings in the latter part of the 13th century, borange, in their strange furry world, was used to refer to the common cold. 2 it was then forgotten through the ages until early 18th century when it resurfaced with king graham of monaco, who used the word to describe the act of chasing nomad chickens from the royal court.
1 ie - chief nantuck has the borange.
2 ie - ahh i must borange these here chickens before dinner time
by franz January 5, 2005
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to be freaking bored and orange at the same time.
FRANK: GAHH, Dude im so effin borange.
Mc heiman: Dude thats like not cool.
by Alexia Stephens January 25, 2008
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borange is a state a person can become when they go on holiday and gets soo tanned the go, beyond orange. they also tend to look like an umpa-lumpa, as they too are borange.
Div "OMG, shes bloody orange"
la la "hahahaha, no way man she's beyond orange. she's fucking BORANGE"
by la la January 31, 2005
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