Billing-the act of branding US currency with letters, numbers, and symbols with the intention of raising publicity for any given entity. This term officially created on, (thesteinman) is the official creator/owner of this term. 11:28 March 16,2009.
I've been billing for, now we have more members.
by thesteinman April 13, 2009
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Having a case of "The Bills" signifies a particularly low point in ones life. Common symptoms of having "the bills" include: losing/not having a job, long periods of unemployment, not having health insurance, cooler siblings, large nose, and so on. The Bills is also similar to having "The Minus Blues"
Yo man, i ain't got no job. Ain't never had no job. Ain't got no health insurance. My schnoz is large and my brother is pretty cool. I got the Bills, real bad.
by Unemployed4Life June 21, 2010
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What you say to someone who either kills a joke or says something stupid.this is then followed by 'Shut up bill' when that person tries to redeem themselves and fails yet again.
idiot:The moons a planet , right?
person 1: Billed it
idiot:Im just joking , honestly.
Person 2: shut up Bill.
by rty325 January 21, 2012
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To receive sexual stimulation from the oppsite sex's hand, whilst intoxicated. This can be via a 'hand job' or just by touch.
Guy A "Oh shit man, I think he got A Billing last night!"
Guy B "What?! From HER!? No way... He can't have been THAT drunk.
Guy B "Well, he said he was... But I'm pretty sure I only saw him drink two cans.."

Guy C "Gonna try get with her tonight?"
Guy D "Yeah I reckon I can get A Billing out of her before I leave"
by Norwich Massive x April 4, 2011
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1.a draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body
2.a piece of legal tender;money
3.a statement of costs or charges
4.a kickname for a person usually named william
1.The bill became a law.
2. I have a $20 bill left.
3. My parents grounded me after they saw my cell phone bill.
4. Bill is being an idiot today!
by rachel February 10, 2005
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It is the word used to describe the complete and utter failure of any activity performed by someone trying too hard to be "cool".
The act is usually followed by slight ridicule and the chanting of the word every time that person tries to speak, for a short time.
"Hey guys, Rudi just tried to give me shit advice and totally billed it."

"But my mum liked it when i gave it to her last nigh..."

"Billed it."

"But i..."

by loy411 December 23, 2012
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The quantity that a bird can take in its bill or beak : a beakful.
Use in a sentence:

The sparrow was very hungry but it could only take little billfuls of seeds at a time because of its small bill.
by Antogranata March 31, 2019
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