suddenly remembering the capital of south korea

asshole is an expression used when someone remembers the capital of south korea
guy: what the is capital of south korea.
someone else: i don't know broe
guy: asshole!
someone else: oh yeah
by rher November 24, 2022
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A jerk, is well, just that--a jerk. Someone who disrupts others and takes pleasure in it. We have all met jerks and know one, when we see one.

But an asshole, is someone who regularly and forcibly takes total delight in being a jerk.
'He was more than a jerk. He was a real asshole'.
by Heuristical January 16, 2022
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a man who treats women like they don't matter and thinks his shit don't stink
That asshole fucked her and left her and didn't even feel bad.
by anonymous January 27, 2004
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The type of guy that girls like but most just are to stupid to admit their shallowness.
I was really nice to that girl, then a drunk football player called her a bitch and she humped him and dumped me.
by B October 19, 2004
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A person who gets on your damn nerves, a person with disrespect and being a total jackass is their thing. A person who just could've been nicer.
I went into a bathroom and there was a whole gang of ugly dudes wearing red shirts. I almost laughed but those motherfuckers scared me. About to use the bathroom, one of them pushed me and went into the stall saying, " No bitch ass faggot ass rock lovin white motherfuckers allowed." All his friends got quiet and looked at me and I felt a flash of anger go through me but I was blinded with a gut instinct telling myself to leave because it was dangerous in there for me, an outsider. I'm not sure but I think I crossed one of those stupid bitch ass gangs, lol. That's just ONE example of being a true asshole.
by Matthew Robinson April 13, 2008
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The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is eliminated from the body. The asshole is closely related to the sphincter which is a ringlike muscle that normally maintains constriction of the asshole or other orifice and relaxes as required to push your shitstool out of your body.
May the fleas of a thousand camels invade your asshole, good sir.
by poop­ July 21, 2006
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