art is any visual, literary, and/or auditory representation of an idea, with an intended message, which invokes emotion in an audience.
examples of art include, but are not limited to: poems, literature, music, dance, pottery, sculptures, painting/drawing, etc.
by armoguy January 29, 2008
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That girls is definitely an ARTs major
I appreciate the fine ARTs
I am an ART collector
by FIJIDU November 17, 2010
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1.short for Arthur
2. a way of expressing yourself with pictures, plays/skits, songs, etc.
Hey, i was just over at Art's house, he is so cool.
by Pip January 7, 2005
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A guy with a really large nose. He usually knocks people over with it, and generally gets in the way. If he has a runny nose, it causes landslides.
Oh my god, its art! Dive to the left before he steamrolls you with his nose!
by Some fat doode June 11, 2010
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What used to be a visual medium of expression is now a pop-culture fad.
Abstract art sucks. Painted cows, cheese-covered walls, blotches on canvas, and sidewalk feces/blood exhibitions are not art!
by AYB March 27, 2003
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