Biskie bisk-ee

A fresh, unique handmade creation of biscuit/cookie/cake layered with a special light buttercream and handmade jams or caramels. Delicious because they are packed full of flavour using the finest all natural ingredients and contain no artificial colourings or flavourings.
Person 1: "Argh, I want something sweet, but I don't know what I fancy.. a biscuit? a cookie? a cake?"

Person 2: "Why not have one of these biskies? All three in one?"

Person 1: "Sure, thanks" *eats biskie* "OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING IVE HAD IN MY LIFE, GET ME ANOTHER"
by The Original Biskie Babe October 29, 2013
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her full name is biscuit krueger and she’s a side character from hunter x hunter. she’s a friend and mentor to gon and killua after they met on greed island. she usually looks like a kid but when she’s in her muscle form she looks like a jojo protag.
bisky folded that random dude so easily
by s1nj1ns bu55y October 14, 2020
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when someone cops major attitude, acting like they are all that and more but can't back it up.
Shamiqua was giving me major attitude so i told her to quit being so damn bisky.
by lela dunlap August 7, 2005
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the sexual position involving penetrating a woman anally or vaginally doggy style whilst simultaneously stepping on the back of her neck and degrading her. Taking care not to apply too much pressure or sever her spinal cord
How did it go last night?

You know I gave her the Bisky!
by Moparman815 November 3, 2017
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A type of person who never is always muted in games or in voice calls.
Jordan is such a bisky sometimes...
by Biscuits32 January 10, 2020
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Much better than Medi666, in every way you can think of.
Bisky ftw. Medi666 who?
by Bisky July 6, 2009
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bisky A term used to refer to atrigas and a bomb ass food. The biskys are an exclusive group so gtfo. Sadi
bisky A term used to refer to atrigas and a bomb ass food. The biskys are an exclusive group so gtfo. Sadi

Bisk 1:"Hey Bisky!!!"
Bisk 2:"What's up u biska trisk!!;)"
Bisk 3:"hoooya"
by isuckbisks6969 April 5, 2018
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