cocknot /kok-not/ adjective

- adjective

1. symbolically having a penis in a knot or a knotted penis thus indicating diminished manhood for all purposes.

2. To be a complete idiot.
Dumbass A: Homo!
Dumbass B: Queer!
Dumbass A: Faggot!
Dumbass B: Cocknot!

Homie A: Yo eva since he been with that biatch we don see his ass no moe'.
Homie B: She has him pussywhipped dawg!
Homie A: He is a cocknot! That's what he is! A cocknot!!!

Man: Hey you wanna see me stick this dime up my nose ?
Woman: don't be a cocknot!
by Taurus_3579 August 18, 2010
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When a woman is so caught up with herself that all she thinks about is cock and doesnt care how she gets it, sort of like hypnotized but having to do with cock.
"Man that girl was so cocknotized that she had sex with a donkey last night."
by Tsquared November 8, 2007
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When a woman is so hypnotized with how great a guy's cock is that she looks past his character flaws - i.e. being a racist, not having a job, not going to school and/or having voted for George W. Bush.
He's a complete loser? Oh, she must just be cocknotized.
by LivLee89 August 11, 2011
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A guy who is curious about trying another man's cock but at the very end wusses out, and never responds back to the other guy
He was curious to suck his friend cause it would be fun, but instead he didn't. What a cocknot!
by Bizwuick November 19, 2018
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