7 definitions by zvcxasdfkwyrio

A very radioactive alkaline earth metal that used to be found on glow-in-the-dark watch dials. They were covered with luminous paint that contained a small amount of radium.

Eventually people figured out that radium paint is a pretty big health hazard, so they stopped producing watches with it in the 1970s.
Person 1: Yo did you see that movie Radium Girls?
Person 2: Yeah, it's pretty depressing how they kept getting poisoned from being forced to paint the watches with that stuff.
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 18, 2022
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1. A highly reactive chemical element belonging to the alkali metals; the lightest known metal

2. A 1990s grunge and alternative rock channel airing on Sirius XM Radio channel 34

3. A very popular song by Nirvana
Ironically, you may encounter Lithium by Nirvana while listening to Lithium on SiriusXM Radio! If anyone still listens to the radio at this point...
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 19, 2022
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A very toxic soft gray metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 81 and atomic symbol of Tl. It's sometimes used in things like electrical components and optical lenses. When combined with sulfur and oxygen, it was once widely used as rodent poisoning, but it was later outlawed in 1972 due to health concerns.
Person 1: I just ate thallium
Person 2: Well you're a fucking idiot because you're gonna die soon
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 19, 2022
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A nonmetallic chemical element with the atomic symbol Se and the atomic number 34. It's essential for human life but is also quite toxic if taken in excess.
Person 1: Did you know that brazil nuts contain more than 777% of thereccomended daily reccomended of selenium?
Person 2: What?! That's crazy!!
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 18, 2022
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An enemy sometimes encountered in mainline Mario games. Often seen in pairs, their behavior involves tossing hammers in an upward arc at you. Essentially, they are some of the most annoying cunts you will ever encounter in any video game. When you approach one, be sure to have a mushroom on you because there is a very low chance that you'll get past them without getting hit at least once.
Person 2: What happened?
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 18, 2022
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A British railway simulator game on ROBLOX that's actually pretty cool gameplay-wise, however due to frequent spammers and trolls, as well as poor community management, the game often receives somewhat of a negative reputation.
Person 1: What's your favorite ROBLOX game? Mine is Stepford County Railway
Person 2: get the fuck away from me
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 18, 2022
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A term used by right-wing extremists on the internet to mock left-wing SJW's, particularly young women who are Black Lives Matter supporters, use the term ACAB and make the movement a lifestyle. Often times they are portrayed with blue hair. More generally the term is used to mock the stereotypical white girls.
Person 1: makes a slightly offensive joke
Person 2: "🧚 ♂️Emily✨ACAB🚫👮 ♀️BLM✊🏾 is typing…"
by zvcxasdfkwyrio June 18, 2022
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