5 definitions by zomgjb

1). Aww, he's a JaJohn!
by zomgjb March 25, 2008
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“I Am Me You Are You.”
An acronym reminding us to be respectful of people’s humanness—including their various individual intersections. It’s a reminder that not everyone has to think and behave the way you do. IAMYAY is a way of life and mindset of allowing people to be their full authentic self with no negative judgement.
Person one: I can’t believe you voted for Donald Trump you prick!
Person two: Doesn’t mean I love you any less, remember—IAMYAY.

Person one: I can’t believe you think like that.
Person two: IAMYAY. ❤️
by zomgjb April 8, 2020
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Money that you take to the mall if you're actually going to shop instead of hang out.

At least $30.
John: Hey, do you want to go to the mall?
Tiffany: Yeah, but I don't have any mall money.
by zomgjb August 8, 2008
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A new years resolution that turns into two years because you either forgot about it or are just too lazy to try to do it so you give yourself 2 years instead of one.
Person 1: Hey, didn't you say your new years resolution was to quit smoking?

Person 2: Yeahh, but it's really hard so I'm made it a two years resolution, now, I have some time.
by zomgjb December 15, 2009
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A gay that goes all out for the holidays--especially Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Friend 2: Wow...you're such a holigay.
by zomgjb November 13, 2015
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