132 definitions by zach

The act of proverbially standing on a soapbox. Usually involves speaking out about something.
My friends say I soapbox too much, but I say they're full of crap. Infact, that was my topic last week.
by zach May 7, 2004
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A girl in which has a big ass that is also very nice. They have some nice knockers also. They are bangin sister's that will kick your ass in a fight. They also smoke weed on a daily bases.
"Dude, I just had sex with a Giampietro sister, I'm sooo lucky"
by zach January 24, 2005
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a loser who spends too much time defining words on the urban dictionary, has little or no life. basicly a one minute man, with a vagina deeper than a golf bag. likes to get on his knees and smile like a donut. will tell girls anything to get into their pants, which has never and will never happen.
haha, look at that 'admin' trying to pick up those girls, he has NO chance.
by zach February 25, 2005
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The simplist protoss infantry unit that uses its psionic blades to do 16 damage. Costing 100 minerals it is the most expensive basic unit of the three races.
"En taro Adun! There is no time to waste! We must join our bretheren in battle!" screamed the zealots to zeratul as they charged the mass of hydralisks and zerglings.
by zach June 15, 2006
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A group of half asians that are so sexy it makes u explode ur pants
by zach May 6, 2005
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1. to fuck someones father
2. a fag
3. to fuck a male animal
4. a diss
DUDE!!! ur a father fucker!!!! i saw u and staceys DAD fucking on the beach u FATHER-fucking faggot!!!!
by zach September 24, 2004
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