11 definitions by youngsavage69
When people put names/friends' names in the Urban Dictionary just to send it to them and say "OMG This description perfectly describes you!" and then they freak out and show their other friends and maybe post it on Instagram or Snapchat or something and they'll never know that you were the one who posted it!!!
by youngsavage69 November 25, 2018
Lights and inflatables to show your love for Christmas during the holiday season. Mostly ruined by insane people putting their decorations up as soon as Halloween ends or sometimes even earlier.
by youngsavage69 November 25, 2018
by youngsavage69 November 25, 2018
by youngsavage69 November 25, 2018
Camp Ramah in the Berkshires is a Jewish sleepaway camp located in Wingdale, New York. Many japs and spoiled rich Jews come to this camp. They like to be obnoxious and make fun of rival camp, Palmer, also known as Camp Ramah New England. The camp is split into two sides, A-Side and B-Side. All of the annoying A-Side kids who are going to B-Side the following year chant "B-Side Next Year" all summer long.
by youngsavage69 November 3, 2018
if somebody doesn't know another's name, they just refer to them as Bob because it's a very common name.
by youngsavage69 November 25, 2018
by youngsavage69 November 3, 2018