14 definitions by youdbesoluckytoknowme

When rushing, and taking a series of small risks in order to save time, failing miserably at a simple task, and taking more time that one would behaving in an unrushed manner. The girl stalked by the killer in a thriller movie, when she drops her keys to her car, as she desperately tries to find safety... is having a rushie.
"Hurry up! I wanna bonk!", "Sorry, I'm having a rushie, I've been trying to put the rubber on upside-down"

by youdbesoluckytoknowme November 1, 2006
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The congealed fat at the top of cold soup forming little discs.
If I'm gonna eat that chicken soup cold, I've gotta skim off the congeal-ee-os.
by youdbesoluckytoknowme November 3, 2006
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Dollar store. Place where rush-to-the-bottom, built-to-blow products are sold. Contains toys made for children, by children. Cost equals about a month's wages to the poor bastards who made it.
My dalasta 'phone sounds like the subway P.A.! Did you buy these rubbers at the dallasta'? This dalasta' super-glue is actually slippery!
by youdbesoluckytoknowme November 1, 2006
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Burning flesh with a hot Bic lighter such that the resultant scarring looks much like a classic "Smiley Face ™ " Even with the modern "Child Safe" Bic... It still works!!! Sore though...
I've just burnt a "Smiley Face ™" into my forearm!!!! You're too old for that bitches!!!
Self torture
Wow that hurts!!!
by youdbesoluckytoknowme December 15, 2010
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From firearms jargon: chambered, full magazine, cocked, safety on.
As in: Ready to take a massive poo... But not quite a crisis.
Not as bad as Condition Zero.
Can we stop the car at the next gas station? I'm condition one over here.
We tried Greek but the silly bitch didn't tell me she was condition one.
by youdbesoluckytoknowme January 11, 2014
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The city of Mississauga, immediately West of Toronto. Its suburban-youth refer to it as such in scorn.
Gawd, there's nothing to do in the 'Saug... Let's go to T.O.!

I can't believe after all the time I've spent avoiding it, I've bought a house in the 'Saug. I must be old.
by youdbesoluckytoknowme November 1, 2006
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Ivoluntary, and prolonged laughter after experiencing a particularly funny joke.
While I had an intellectual orgasm, I missed the rest of the dialogue to the "Political Peasant" sketch. I knew it by heart anyway...
by youdbesoluckytoknowme November 1, 2006
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