20 definitions by ya boy trax

the sudden trance you're put in when a beautiful girl looks into your eyes, and it's not something that happens often cause you know when her eye contact has meaning and love behind it.
Andy: So I was walkin down the street and I got attacked by radioactive monkeys!!!
Dre: No Way Dawg!
(beautiful girl walks by and makes eye contact)
Andy: Duhhh!!!, what was I saying?, I think I just got hit with The Chica Effect!!!
Dre:I dunno, I really wasnt listening
by ya boy trax June 21, 2010
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the result of drinking too much, or preferably scotch. when the victim falls asleep, they get a ballsack slapped on their wrist, thus the notorious Scotch Watch
Frat Boy 1:Dude, Jerry passed out!
Frat Boy 2: dude, it's a perfect time to give him a Scotch Watch!
Frat Boy 1: Ehh, you're right, he's a pledge anyway
by ya boy trax June 15, 2010
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a phrase used to describe the straightness of a guy that is nowhere near gay or to be "straight" on a situation.
Greg: you wanna smoke some of this crack?
Larry: Definitely not cuz, I'm straight as an arrow
Greg: arite, well wanna make out with me?
Larry: DUDE!, what did I just say?!, that term can be used both ways, I am good!
Greg: I go both ways
Larry: you're fuckin weird, why am I even hanging out with you?
by ya boy trax August 15, 2010
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a fiend that needs to get high, but may have no money, although owes collateral just to get a quick buzz.
Harry: Yo Dawg, I will let you borrow my broken watch, my cassette tape player and my last loaf of bread so I can get some rock!
Pusherman:damn you Collateral Fiend, gimme your bread and some stuff to make a sandwich and you got a deal!
Harry: sounds good, I'll be right back!
by ya boy trax August 25, 2010
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how you say "Motherfucker" in Panjabi. pronounced: Mah-Dah-Chowl.
Andy: Hey Bossman, you need me to work today?
Bossman: No Madachole, take the day off
Andy: Thanks Madachole, see ya later!
Bossman: Bye
by ya boy trax August 2, 2010
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complete opposite of a fat wallet, a slimfast wallet is very slim or completely empty, not a good sign for the chicks.
Will: going out tonight with some girls, you down?
Steve: nah, cant, I got a Slimfast Wallet today
Will:you broke bastard!
by ya boy trax June 11, 2010
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the cheap ass candy you can buy at a value price due to our struggling economy, not full priced, but a value discount, a must have.
Andy- man, I got a buck left and I am hungry!!!
Mike- get some recession candy
Andy- you're right, they are only 69 cents!
Mike- perfect for yo broke ass!
by ya boy trax September 2, 2010
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