26 definitions by william the wallace

Term Once applied Meaning 'Quality', refers to the once thriving Shipbuilding industry on the River ClydeIn Scotland GreenockClydebankGlasgowwhere home to most of the Clyde Shipyards
Had the Titanic been Clydebuilt it would still be afloat!
''I thought it was built in Ireland?''
Yea! nuff said!
by william the wallace February 25, 2006
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Why Do the Scots spell it without the ''E'',
Because We Invented it thats why! ,originally called uisge beatha ''water of life'', in the Gaelic Tongue.
whisky is great! beware of imitations! no added ''E''colours
by william the wallace March 16, 2006
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Scott’s was one of the oldest established shipyards in the world it was situated in Greenock on the banks of the river Clyde, Later Merged With Rival Yard 'Lithgow’s' in Port Glasgow, now sadly gone, all that remains is the worlds oldest Dry dock(unused)
My Father Worked in Scotts for years
by william the wallace March 16, 2006
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nickname for a milkman
''The Fastest Milkman in the West'', a uk no1 for Benny Hill in 1970.
Ernie 'and he drove the fastest milkcart in the west'

by william the wallace March 20, 2006
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JM Writes :
"This England never did, nor never shall,
Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror."
- William Shakespeare
Time to remind him that the definition is United Kingdom and Not England.And whilst on the subject of Blundering Errors England Was Conquered in 1066 by lots of Normans From France Remember William the Conqueror?
England is only part of the United Kingdom Not the whole thing!
by william the wallace March 20, 2006
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Chantese jazz? WTF? Ignore the other def .Swing out sister were nothing more than an 80's one hit wonder''breakout'' with a good lookin female lead and two really ugly guys on back up. Thats IT.
Swing Out Sister have now got two definitions here ,more than they deserve.
by william the wallace March 20, 2006
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The Lost Celtic Country,It is not an EnglishCountyas the anglo-saxon conspiracy woiuld have you believe. It is the DUCHY of Cornwall.Closely related to their cousins the Welsh{Cymru}and the Bretons in Brittany western Franceand second cousins to the Irish Eire,the Manx and of course the Scottish Alba Those who chose to ridicule this ancient race are simply jealous usually Anglo saxons, that Foreign Germanic race who do not belong on these islands(Ever notice that ALL the Celtic Lands are Outstandingly Beautiful Whilst England is mostly bland flat featureless wasteland?) and no! I am not Cornish but i am a Celt

ps, This before some smart arse(saxon)posts an entry gushing lyrically about The Lake District being a gorgeous part of England .Well Sorry to kick you in the Germanic Bollocks once again BUT you see Cumbria is also Celtic so piss off back to the Low Countries.
Cornwall is Great. Fantastic People and Great Pasties oh and marvelous Beaches ,Good Weather
by william the wallace March 11, 2006
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