14 definitions by werwertwgg432

To raid in search of riches. To pillage for spoils.

Someone who^^^ would also be known as "a marauder". They are usualy characterized as rouges or thieves
He chums, lets us marauder that thrift shop!
by werwertwgg432 January 17, 2005
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An explosive mixture of charchoal, saltpepper and sulfur in a ratio of 75:15:10. This is used for fireworks, rocketry, and bullet propellant. Gunpowder was invented by Chinese alchemists in the 9th century AD.
Gun powder is used in fire arms.
by werwertwgg432 January 17, 2005
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A singer/minstrel/poet of folk songs/literature.
Troubadours were musicians.
by werwertwgg432 January 17, 2005
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Picts are people who lived in northern Britain and later formed Scotland.
Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave Grooving with a Pict.
by werwertwgg432 February 2, 2005
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Uranium235 is an isotope of uranium that differs from the element's other common isotope, uranium-238, by its ability to cause a rapidly expanding fission chain reaction. A uranium nucleus that absorbs a neutron splits into two lighter nuclei; this is called nuclear fission. It releases either two or three neutrons which continue the reaction. In nuclear reactors, the reaction is slowed down by the addition of control rods which are made of elements such as boron, cadmium, and hafnium which can absorb a large number of neutrons. In nuclear bombs, the reaction is uncontrolled and the large amount of energy released creates a nuclear explosion.

One atom of U-235 generates 200 MeV = 3.2 × 10-11 J, i.e. 18 TJ/mol = 77 TJ/kg.

Only around 0.72% of all natural uranium is uranium-235, the rest being mostly uranium-238. This concentration is insufficient for a self sustaining reaction; enrichment, which just means separating out the uranium-238, must take place to get a usable concentration of uranium-235. For an explosion, approximately 90% purity is required.
Have fun with u235. Play catch with it or something.
by werwertwgg432 February 1, 2005
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Usually referred to as just u235. It is an isotope of uranium that differs from the element's other common isotope, u238, by its ability to cause a rapidly expanding fission chain reaction. A uranium nucleus that absorbs a neutron splits into two lighter nuclei; this is called nuclear fission. It releases either two or three neutrons which continue the reaction. In nuclear reactors, the reaction is slowed down by the addition of control rods which are made of elements such as boron, cadmium, and hafnium which can absorb a large number of neutrons. In nuclear bombs, the reaction is uncontrolled and the large amount of energy released creates a nuclear explosion.

One atom of U-235 generates 200 MeV = 3.2 × 10-11 J, i.e. 18 TJ/mol = 77 TJ/kg.

Only around 0.72% of all natural uranium is uranium-235, the rest being mostly uranium-238. This concentration is insufficient for a self sustaining reaction; enrichment, which just means separating out the uranium-238, must take place to get a usable concentration of uranium-235. For an explosion, approximately 90% purity is required.
U235, oh yea that's the stuff...
by werwertwgg432 February 1, 2005
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The most badass comic book character ever. Lobo is an alien who's always stomping peoples faces in on planet Eart.
Be sure to check out the Lobo Christmas edition comic book! He shows Santa who's boss!
by werwertwgg432 January 17, 2005
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