34 definitions by weedhead11111111111111111

like all phone companies they have terrible in store and online service
Greg walking to Telstra: oh yes they have a hospital for phones I am pleased and am hoping its free to fix my phone.
Greg in Telstra : excuse me my phone has a weird beeping sound on it.
staff: psssh muthafucka that's because you have a virus.
Greg: what did you call me?
staff: your a man slut with a old ball bag.
Greg: FUCK! (smashes the phone)
by weedhead11111111111111111 March 6, 2018
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A drjud is a member of the high-ranking lesbian mask colony of 1654 in ancient Greek cultures. While perhaps best remembered as the dirty hores of Greece , they were also sex slaves, men, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors. While the drjud are reported to have been illiterate, they are believed to have been prevented by doctrine from recording their lesbian finger jobs in written form, thus they left no written accounts of themselves. They are however attested in some detail by their contemporaries from other cultures, such as the Romans and the Chinese.

e.g. F4M W422UP W4NN4 F1NG3R M3?
is a common type of saying in the times
Peter: yo fam wanna hit up my time machine and go see the drjud colonies?
Grace: but nigga don't you mean the druids.
Peter: no you stupid bitch!
by weedhead11111111111111111 April 24, 2018
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slang for mid to low quality marijuana that doesn't look great but gives you a fucking great trip
Sonia: hey Bethany want some turbulence and donkey wheat?
Bethany: yeah ill have a couple dabs
Sonia: yeah but don't fucking smoke all my weed otherwise im making you pay me back for it
by weedhead11111111111111111 January 16, 2018
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by weedhead11111111111111111 February 28, 2018
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by weedhead11111111111111111 February 28, 2018
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sticking your cock out of your pants then going up to a bee or wasp nest and shoving your cock in and out of the nest several times till you have multiple sting marks on your dick and balls then take a shit and go to the nearest grassy area and try and slide through your shit a couple times then go to the nearest pool, water park, lake, or any body of water and throw your poop at people yelling Marco polo.
George: hey Barbara I did the hot potato wasp slide in the El Alamein Memorial Fountain in Sydney.
Barbara: yeah I did too.
George: but you don't have a dick?
Barbara: I do its just hidden.
George: oh shit what a day!
by weedhead11111111111111111 March 12, 2018
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Sexual innuendo is a hard topic to stay on top of. As a humor tool, it stands erect in the English language. While there are no hard and fast rules as to what constitutes sexual innuendo, many people have mass-debated over the ins-and-outs of the topic, and now the general principles at the root of the topic are firm and well-rounded. However, full penetration of the subject requires that the reader take a long, hard look at the target and be a cunning linguist in order to avoid limp phrases and imbibe the phrase with a large handful of meanings. The topic can become hot by attempting to grasp it, and the more one experiments with it, the more interested they become. Also, as the language changes innuendos must change in order to fill the newly created holes and satisfy listeners.

Key phrases can grasp the sentence by the ankles and part its long clauses allowing the orator to penetrate the essence of the sentence. In this regard, the key is to avoid stiff, rigid words, for ones that give the meaning of the sentence a firm rise in innuendic possibilities. Some regard sexual innuendo as an art form, and it goes without saying that one needs a certain level of oral skills in order for the fluidic exchange of innuendo to succeed. However, this is not enough to fill the requirements.
by weedhead11111111111111111 March 13, 2018
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