9 definitions by vinny_R

A creature with all power, it is said a samurai can destroy the universe with a movement of the eyes. Samurais are the best at everything ever, especially sword fighting and gymnastics. Samurais are born when lightning bolts hit the highest peak of everest, they can teleport and run at the speed of light and fly too.
Pete: Oh my god, was that a samurai?
Joe: No it wasn't
Pete: Why not?
Joe: because we'd be dead if it was.
Pete: what was it then?
Joe: probably a slimy, sneaky little buccaneer shrew.
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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A double crossing, sneaky illusionist. Lures friends into a false sense of security before dropping a sneaky bombshell on them. Are known to cast low level spells and illusions.
Dez tricked me into coming to school in fancy dress, the slimy buccaneer.
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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1. To get owned, to become someone's bitch.
2. To get tigged in a game of mongolian tig
You just got baldigged
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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Someone who acts awkward or just like a general dickhead for no apparent reason.
Kyle: Hey Vinny lend us 5p for this coke
Vinny: errrr... can't afford to
Kyle: you've got loads of money, why are you being a gayboy?
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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A very sneaky, devious person. Always trying to get one over on their friends- they wont hesitate to sneak you.
Kyle: Hey Dez what's that Maths homework you're doing?
Dez: O its just further maths
Kyle: So we dont have any homework for Mrs. Coates?
Dez: Well I haven't done any


Mrs. Coates: Kyle, where's your homework?
Kyle: We didn't have any did we?
Dez: Here's mine miss
Kyle: Dez you sneaky little shrew!
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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A warrior known to cast solid spells from his spell casted bow. Known to have no parents but born from a tree.
Look out, bowcaster! Shit!
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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To get drunk enough for everyone to just about realise
Vinny: Hey I had this well wierd dream last night that I could suck myself off and I was in Kyles car and he wouldnt let me.
Kyle: Oh my god, vinny's baldammered!
Greg: That's only his second can.
by vinny_R February 10, 2008
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