66 definitions by userhandlegoeshere
by userhandlegoeshere July 22, 2022
Raising your defense to insane levels, at the cost of your attack. During a bluelight specil, you can slowly kill your enemy.
by userhandlegoeshere January 13, 2023
Gary is a normal human being like you and me
by userhandlegoeshere January 25, 2023
Backhand Index Pointing Down Medium-Dark Skin Tone
One of the emojis with the longest names. Can be used to annoy people using text to speech.
One of the emojis with the longest names. Can be used to annoy people using text to speech.
by userhandlegoeshere May 19, 2024
man, last night i held it in for so long that when i finally went to the bathroom, i yellowed out. you should yellow out sometime too.
by userhandlegoeshere November 20, 2022