12 definitions by timsworld

the fear of anything branded wuhan, the people, the place, items produced in wuhan, and fear of any sentence that contains wuhan.
Don't let your wuhanphobia make you stutter listing places in Asia.
by timsworld June 17, 2020
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Disciple of Dan. Follower of the church of dan.
Dan's coming by this evening, all the DODs will be there.
by timsworld December 10, 2020
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Parts that stick out.
I'd like to see Casandra's salient points in a sweater.
by timsworld October 4, 2020
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Your nose.
You take your best girl out for lunch and she wants spaghetti, so you order spaghetti for two. Everything is going well until you get some tomato sauce on your carpet nozzle, so embarasing.
by timsworld July 30, 2020
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an indication of difficult times ahead.
While my wife is on the phone she keeps saying to the other person, "Well, I'll have to discuss that with Tim", so ominous.
by timsworld July 17, 2020
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What would Greta Thurnberg Do?
You should sell that gas guzzler dude, come on, wwgtd?
by timsworld July 3, 2020
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older women fearing that their bodies cant do what they used to be able to...
It was Mables 45th birthday, and the spanks she got from her girlfriends left her feeling a touch of matriarchaphobia as she realized it would take longer, this time, for the bruises to heal.
by timsworld June 17, 2020
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