15 definitions by thejenigma

Some people believe the bible is the word of God and that you shouldn't believe any Man because we are fundamentally flawed. The thing these people don't realize is that Man wrote the bible. No, God did not TELL them what to write. Some people thought of some great ways to control people so they constructed this bible and made a MYTH about how this GOD told them to write this bullshit about the world and what you should do.

the bible is not something you should worship. It is a work of fiction written by man.

Would you worship Of Men and Mice?
ooo the bible! if you dont read it and dont believe in god you are going to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY WITH NO POSSIBILITY OF REDEMTION!!! I will pray for you!!

"no thanks."
by thejenigma July 2, 2005
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1. An exclamation used as a form of agreement.
2. An exclamation used as a form of contentment.
3. Also used as a greeting.
"Dude, that is one hot chick!"
- "Werd."

(Half-naked women dance on stage)
" *sigh* Werd..."

"Werd, dog! What up?"
- "Nothin' much"
by thejenigma February 25, 2004
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Underground water level of the planet ZEBES. Draygon is the boss here.
The Maridia is fun to go into without the gravity suit. =/
by thejenigma March 29, 2005
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Samus Aran is the female bounty hunter who stars in the Metroid video game series. She uses a special power suit which has various awesome abilities.

She has appeared in the following games:
Metroid - NES
Metroid II: The Return of Samus - GB
Super Metroid - SNES
Super Mario RPG - SNES (cameo)
Kirby Super Stars - SNES (cameo)
Kirby's Dreamland 3 - SNES (cameo)
Super Smash Brothers - N64
Super Smah Brothers Melee - GC
Metroid Prime - GC
Metroid Fusion - GBA
Metroid Zero Mission - GBA
by thejenigma March 24, 2004
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An extemely shortened version of "fuck them."

Used as a derogatory term expressing hateful feelings.

Also used as "ignore them".
"Dude, those bitches just flipped us off!"
"Let's fukm up."

"Dude, they ditched us for the movie."
"Whatever, fukm."
by thejenigma February 25, 2004
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n. A person who is so overweight that one's thighs rub together when he/she walks and creates a low rumbling noise deep within the earth whenever he/she steps.
Holy christ! Here comes thunderthighs! Hold onto something! Brace yourselves!! *BOOM* (low rumbling noise)
by thejenigma March 24, 2004
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