57 definitions by the TrUtH

An uptight, brainwashed individual. Usually a racist.

Drug of choice: War
My dad used to be one until he lost his job, thanks to uncle dumbya, the Republicantor!
by the TrUtH November 4, 2003
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The one breed with more self loathing than a goth girl.

Usually extremely overweight, unattractive and promiscuous. Can usually be found on webcam in chatrooms exposing themselves.

They are the reason why people are afraid of clowns.
steve - "once i went out with a goth chick"
mike - "dude thats nothing, once I went out with a Juggalette"

both - "ewww"
by the TrUtH December 7, 2004
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(1)working 50 hours a week until the day you die, in order to maintain a "decent" life,
(2)having no excitement in your life unless you choose to slack off and not work,
(3)leaving this planet the same way you entered, naked and cold.
(4)busting your ass to afford your bills while some cocksucker with rich parents gets everything handed to him for free.
reality is my anti-drug.
by the TrUtH January 2, 2004
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One who takes pictures of his young, homely family posing with firearms and posts said pictures on the internet.
by the TrUtH February 14, 2003
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1. In war, places where weapons/supplies are held. Also provide protection from enemy attacks.

2. Chemistry - Any substance with a pH greater than 7. Also considered any substance that can act as a proton receiver.

3. Objects in baseball that batters run to when they hit the ball.
1. America just invaded another Iraqi base.
2. KOh (Potassium Hydroxide) is a strong base.
3. Alex Rodriguez hit a home run but forgot to touch 3rd base.
by the TrUtH May 11, 2004
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The pants you got really drunk in. Often times, you will wake up wearing them. Other times, you may find them on the floor or someplace random. Inside the pockets you may or may not find your keys, your wallet, your cell phone, wadded up dollar bills, and pieces of paper with other people's phone numbers.
Man, I found so many pairs of drunk pants in the hamper. It's like I made $15 doing laundry.
by the TrUtH April 4, 2005
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Possibly the most fucking ugly girls that i have ever seen or me. They are all butterfaces that have sex with bags over their heads becuase they are to ugly to look at. There is no comparisin with u and notre dame becuase notre dame girls are really hot and u guys are just about teh opposite. The fact is that u and devon kids just dont fit in the pennsylvania area becuase no one likes u. The ugliest girl at notre dmae is hotter than about 95% of the gorillas at your school. for every hot girl u have u have 600. So before u talk shit about other schools, take a look in the mirror(It looks like somone beat every girl with an ugly stick)
-beat as hell
-hairy gorrilas
so guys before you think about dating a villa girl, i would think twice.....lol hahhahahahah villa is such a joke
by the TrUtH March 20, 2005
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