7 definitions by t1dylad

A dislikable person, usually female.
"I can't believe that Geebag slept in jasons gaff"
by t1dylad January 15, 2004
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someone who is "a boggie"
Linda Boathan
by t1dylad January 16, 2004
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Hetrosexual, Straight

Decendant from sms txt language
by t1dylad January 15, 2004
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Wrestling with cows would lead to a person being known as a Hardshaw.
Linda is a hardshaw she got her nose pierced
by t1dylad January 16, 2004
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When only one side of the joint burns down, this happens when the hash lies at one angle of the spliff.
As above
by t1dylad January 15, 2004
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The place you go, when youre stoned beyond reason
Ultra voilet lava lamps increase the experience of stoneatopia
by t1dylad January 15, 2004
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"I was sweatin at the interview in case i didn't get the job"
by t1dylad January 15, 2004
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