35 definitions by sniper nate

another stock reskin of the pistol in tf2 it is used by the engineer and scout class

it was added in the invasion community update as a promo item

again just a re skin of the pistol nothing special
scout1: i got the C.A.P.P.E.R
scout2: nice
by sniper nate October 27, 2020
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a tf2 primary weapon for the scout class that was nerfed to the ground by valve

its main ablity is when you deal damage you gain a boost but now all it takes is 25 damage or doubble jumping for it to be canceled
scout1: remember the old baby face's blaster
scout2: yea too bad its nerfed
by sniper nate October 23, 2020
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a secondary weapon for the scout class in tf2

its kinda like a weaker version of the mad milk and pistol combined
scout1: i use the pretty boy's pocket pistol
scout2: why dont you just use the mad milk?
by sniper nate October 27, 2020
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you just wrote random letters didnt you?

joe: dadadf
joe2: what?
by sniper nate October 19, 2020
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your so bored that you typed the first four letters/numbers of each row on your keybored

what am i suposed to put here
by sniper nate February 12, 2021
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